Qué financiamos (solo en inglés)

Funded projects
Men's Health Partners
We work closely with our global men's health partners to ensure collaboration, transparency and accountability for every project we fund. We monitor this through report cards which detail what we seek to achieve, key measures and the impact.
Prostate Cancer
"Together with the brightest minds in research, we aim to achieve significant breakthroughs in the hope of beating prostate cancer. Our disruptive funding approach identifies revolutionary ways to accelerate health outcomes by creating strong, global collaborative teams." Dr. Colleen Nelson, Global Scientific Chair.
Men's Health
"One Mo can help change the face of men’s health through the powerful conversations created globally during Movember. Men have the chance to confidently discuss men’s health with people around them, resulting in men taking action early, helping change and save lives." Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes
Mental health and suicide prevention
“The number of men taking their own lives around the world is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Movember is working to ensure all men and boys look after their mental health and are comfortable to seek help when they’re struggling.”
Brendan Maher, Global Director, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
Testicular Cancer
“Despite being the 2nd most common cancer in young men, testicular cancer is often a forgotten cancer due to early detection and treatment. Our projects look at underinvested areas such as improving access to healthcare services and treatment options for relapse” Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes.

International Germ Cell Classification Consensus Group (IGCCCG) Update Project

Movember Funding to Date

EUR 85,500

What we seek to achieve

The original IGCCCG prognostic score was published 1997 and is built on clinical variables of men with metastatic germ-cell cancers. The database for this score included 5862 patients treated between 1975 and 1990; there have been no updates since.The study aims at building and validating an updated prognostic score to guide decisions in the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic germ-cell cancer. The updated IGCCCG score shall replace the original IGCCCG score as the new international reference.

Implemented by
Movember Foundation
Project start date
July 2018
Project Status
In Progress

About the project

Forty-seven clinical centres from around the world have been invited, and to date, have contributed data on 14.571 patients, of whom 11.870 (81%) are eligible according to the inclusion/exclusion criteria set out in the study protocol. This is more than twice the number included into the original IGCCCG score.

Protocol development & data collection have been performed over a time period of 2 years, however data analysis and score development need to be completed. This project will support a fellow at the statistics department of the EORTC headquarters, where the database is located.

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